Kevin’s View of NITI

Participants at NITI 8
Participants at NITI 8

Our time at NITI is coming to a close. How quickly the month has passed. We are pleased with the progress that the translators and literacy workers are making. On Wednesday, March 24, will be our last day for this NITI course. The main goal of this particular course was to review and update translations from previous course to prepare them for consultant checking. Following the consultant checking after the recommended changes are done that particular book could be printed. As I am working with the Notsi we are preparing the book of Galatians. We are nearly ready for consultant checking. I am learning to read more and more of the language, but I need to put it into practice to speak it.

Gertrude's Literacy Class
Gertrude’s Literacy Class

Gertrude has been very busy working with the different groups to prepare a number of books to be used for literacy. She spends much time providing them computer training so that they are able to type their own stories into the computer. It has been fun for them to learn something about computers which they have never had opportunity to even touch before this class.

After the course is over Gertrude and I are going to take a little vacation on a neighboring island. We are looking forward to having some down time just to relax. Please pray that we have good weather as we are traveling by boat.